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Letters re: Sanford v. Preble lawsuit
Great Cranberry Island Historical Society
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • People
  • Structures, Dwellings, House
  • No Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Only
Letters re: Sanford v. Preble lawsuit
Great Cranberry Island Historical Society
Letters. Collection. Folder of 13 letters relating to Samuel Sanford v. William Preble lawsuit, with mention of a claim by Fernald [and possibly Spurling] 1900-1904. These materials indicate Preble was in so much debt he could have lost his entire property. (See other materials related to suit at end of this description.) 1. Letter from John A. Peters, Jr., Counselor at Law (Offices at Ellsworth and Bar Harbor), from Ellsworth, Me. Feb 2, 1900 to Capt. B. H. Spurling, Boothbay Harbor, Maine, 2 ½ typewritten pages marked "Dictated" at the top, with handwritten corrections within. Two suits now pending by [Samuel] Sanford against Mr. Preble [William P. Preble], the second suit causing more delay. Lawyer has taken testimonies and wants to take more testimony; auditor can't make his report until completed. Doubts if there will be a trial in April. Things are complicated by W. H. Preble's death [W.P's son] who knew the details of the case. Lawyer says Sanford did furnish a lot of supplies and labor, even if a bit exaggerated, and thinks there will be a balance due Sanford, even with Preble's charges for Sanford's board and his bill to Sanford (which Peters thinks is over-charged). Suggests stave off both suits until October term and make a decent settlement. "Of course we are for the defendant and the longer we put them off, the more we tire them out, and the better prospect we have of getting a favorable settlement." (This letter was scanned 12/21/16.) [Note: The envelope clipped to this letter is addressed to Mrs. B.H. Spurling, Boothbay Harbor dated June 1901] 2. Letter from John A. Peters, Jr., Counselor at Law from Ellsworth, Me, April 3rd, 1900 to Capt. Benj. H. Spurling, Boothbay Harbor, Maine. 3 ½ typewritten pages marked "Dictated" at the top. Responding to Spurling's letters of Feb. 25 and March 30th. Sanford suits will be delayed until October. "The old gentleman cannot be disturbed as long as we hold off Sanford, and prevent his getting any judgment…" Preble's place is "attached for large sums of money." Spurling and William P. Preble, Jr. [Preble's son] will assist with Preble's matters. Peters talks about Spurling's mention of papers that Mr. Preble gave to William H. Preble, but knows nothing of them. "His property will have to go first for the payment of his debts, and I do not imagine that there will be anything left after the payment of the debts." Mentions Mrs. Fernald's claim on page 3; she stands to get the same percentage as the others. Wonders how long Spurling will be away on his fishing business and if he knows of a good trade in a sloop boat, "a good large boat of the knockabaout style." [Envelope clipped to this letter is addressed to William P. Preble Esq, Cranberry Isles Maine and postmarked June 1901] 3. Letter from John A. Peters, Jr. Counselor at Law from Ellsworth, Me, April 25, 1900, to William P. Preble Esq, Cranberry Isles, Me, Two typewritten half-pages, bluish ink, marked "dictated" at the top. Peters writes of his correspondence with Capt. Spurling who is evidently your good friend. They did not have a chance to get down to see Preble before Spurling left for Bristol. He hopes Preble will not "borrow any trouble about the matter" (worry), and Peters is sorry to hear of the "recent grief that has befallen your son's family." With envelope postmarked April 25, 1900. 4. Letter from John A. Peters, Jr. Counselor at Law etc from Ellsworth, Me, Sept. 20th, 1900, to William P. Preble, Esq., Cranberry Isles, Maine, Two typewritten half-pages, marked "dictated" at the top. This letter is blurred purplish ink. Peters responds to Preble's "favor" of Sept. 18th and explains he hasn't seen him because he didn't want to disturb him with matters of the case. Auditor is still taking testimony - took the deposition of William P. Richardson last week at Bar Harbor. Richardson's testimony somewhat damaging to Preble. Preble seems to have charged Richardson a lot less than Sanford for shore privileges in connection with the outer weir. Peters has asked Capt. Spurling to come up to Ellsworth and go over the testimony. 5. Letter from John A. Peters, Jr. Counselor at Law etc from Ellsworth, Me, Jan. 24th, 1901, to Capt. B.H. Spurling, Boothbay Harbor, Maine. Two typewritten pages, marked "Dictated" at the top. This letter is purplish ink. Peters responds to Spurling's Jan 7th letter. He says he got the case continued to April with considerable difficulty. The report of the auditor was filed "and I send you copies of his report in each case" (note: copies are not with this letter 12/12/16 they may be with previous catalogue entries), and he asks that Spurling return them to him. Still hoping to procure further delay. Peters says "If the old gentleman holds on until March it would be my idea to have you go to Cranberry Isle and meet Sanford and Mr. Preble, and see if you could not arrange a settlement by setting off to Sanford some land, which he should take title to by deed, to take effect ater mr. Preble's death, that is reserving a life interest to Mr. Preble." "I presume the principal thing now is to make it comfortable and easy for Mr. Preble as long as he lives, and also to save something for your sister who has served so faithfully." 6. Letter from John A. Peters, Jr, Counsellor at Law etc from Ellsowrth, Me, April 15th, 1901, to William P. Preble Esq, Cranberry Isles, Maine. One handwritten page, both sides, marked "Dictated" at the top. Peters responds to Preble's "favor" of the 13th and regrets very much Preble did not follow his instruction to rest easy. He will send copies of the "deeds we passed with Sanford" after they are recorded. Thinks they made a favorable deal with Sanford, the suits are out of court and no litigation pending. Seems Preble may have been confused about some of the details including a shore access right of way. To have contested the report could have entailed considerable expense; Peters speaks of other options they could have taken that wouldn't have been so favorable, reminds him that he'd desired Peters to make the best settlement he could. He'll send details and figures in his next letter. 7. Letter from John A. Peters, Jr, Counsellor at Law etc from Ellsowrth, Me, April 22nd, 1901, to Mrs Benj. H. Spurling, Boothbay Harbor, Maine. One and a half typewritten pages, purple ink, marked "Dictated" at the top. Peters responds to Mrs. Spurling's letter of the 18th, saying "Your father was likely to lose the whole of his property, but I effected a settlement, so that he saves a large portion of it." Says he tried to telephone your town (Boothbay) to get her husband to go to the Island but he was away to sea. Mrs. Richardson was not called to testify because "your late bother and your father did not think it wise at the time." He would have been glad to have her testimony. She's "a woman of a very sharp tongue" and "so I rather though at the time that they hardly dared to call her." [Note: Is this Carrie M. Richardson they speak of here?] 8. Letter from John A. Peters, Jr, Counsellor at Law etc from Ellsowrth, Me, June 8, 1901, to William P. Preble Esq, Cranberry Isles, Maine. One typewritten page purple ink, marked "Dictated" at the top. Enclosing the statement in full and detail of settlement with Mr. Sanford, the value placed upon each lot, and a copy of your deed to Sanford and the original [and a copy] of Sanford's deed to you. [Nothing with this letter 12/12/16.] States Preble will be "undisputed n your premises, and free of litigation in your old age." He also states the matter of why Mrs. Richardson was not called as a witness is mentioned in the statement. 9. Letter from John A. Peters, Jr, Counsellor at Law etc from Ellsowrth, Me, June 8, 1901, to Mrs. B. H. Spurling, Boothbay Harbor, Maine. One typewritten page marked "Dictated" at the top. Peters sends her the statement of the recent transactions in the suits between your father and Mr. Sanford with a summary of the settlement and other details relating to the closing up of the suits." 10. Letter from Wm. P. Preble (by C.M.R) [Carrie M. Richardson] Cranberry Isles, Nov. 15, 1901, to Hon. J. A. Peters, Jr., Ellsworth, Maine. Two handwritten pages, two-sided. Preble is telling Peters about his affairs. On the 29 [next letters illeg], and the day after he found himself locked out from his own buildings when he went to the shore. Preble is very upset: "Must I submit to this, and is there no redress?" Preble also writes that Wm. P. Richardson has purchased of S.C. Sandford [sic] a piece of woodland run off by G. R. Fuller (sp?), on the [southern or northern] part of my home lot which now remains to be proven." Please let him know what to do. He mentions Capt. B.H. Spurling but unclear what he means. 11. Letter from Egenia Brumell(sp?) of 304 Harrison St., Syracuse, NY, to her brother Benjamin Spurling of Boothbay Harbor, Maine, dated Feb. 4th, 1903; three, two-sided, handwritten pages. Explains she's been unable to get the facts of the case[Sanford v. Preble presumably]. She wrote to his wife, Fannie. Fannie thought she was crazy. Author says she has endured insults the last time she visited the homestead. How gladly Matilda closed the door on her and father would not say goodbye. Says her dear stepfather who she always loved has since send his blessing and goodbye. Says Preble took Samuel Sanford and the family too much in his confidence. She prayed the Matilda and Dora[?] should die and Sam be deprived of all he thinks will be his. Implores brother to take her advice immediately. Explains the homestead lot belongs to the heirs of Samuel Spurling (now deceased). What father bought since belongs to his children alone. Gives advice and begs her brother to get father to sign to this effect, that undo influence was used and father didn't know what he was doing. He's injuring his children. Undo the wrong. "Sam [Sanford] has no right to it." Do it now [Preble is old and ailing]. Spurling heirs are entitled to that place, so many acres, land, house etc. God is on her side. She is willing to sell to her brother and take out mortgage from him to hold her claim in the property and secure herself. Wants to visit the island next summer. Mentions Frank is in Trinidad and heading north, "Oh that my sons were safe on shore." Carrie [Richardson?] is interested in missionary work at home and is president and treasurer of the "Society." They had a blizzard yesterday. Author will be 68 on 20th June and is still in good physical shape. She has hired a room from a very accommodating man and wife but is tired of the city. Talks about current difficult issues in the world, her predictions for future, and how she works for every penny. Mentions that her brother's eldest daughter is taking medicine for asthma. "I have known poverty and am disgusted with it, particularly when I would like to play lady bountiful." 12. Letter from Thulma(?) M. Harding of Lamoine [ME] to her brother Captain B. H. Spurling of Boothbay Harbor, Me, dated Mar. 29th, 1903. Responds to her brother's letter, saying she's of the same mind as before. She can't see why she's called to help take cre of "Esq." [is this Preble?], and she 'does not know of the many benefits I have received from him." Surely my father left property enough to take care of his children. "I know I worked hard enough taking care of The Esq.'s children to pay for all I ever received." She doesn't feel the debt of gratitude. She has never received anything from her father. "Has not the Esq had the benefit of everything my father owned all his life?" Mentions Joseph (her husband?) got a bill for $100 for her wedding clothing. She agrees with her brother that he [Preble] has been wronged by those he chose in place of his own children. She almost lost her island home so she could go live in peace. She's glad Sarah can give up her part so willingly. When he is really ready to buy, she will name her price. She sends her love to Fanny and the family. 13. Letter from T. E. Welles, Mayor, City of Pensacola, Fla, to Captain B. H. Spurling of Boothbay Harbor, Me, dated June 13th, 1904. One typewritten page, purple ink. Replies to the Captain's 'favor of the 8th' wondering at his silence. Sorry to hear he had lost two large schools of fish but glad he had a good trip after all. He had two letters from Sam Josephs who never writes much about his stock. He doesn't write unless he has a good trip of fish. Welles says we had just launched another new vessel, The Frances H., named for the wife of Mr. W. G. Robins, Treasurer of A Booth & Co., Chicago. Discusses other boat transactions. Said the vessels had stayed in for the primary election last Tuesday. He only has one more year as Mayor and may be able to get East after that. Closes with: Your friend. [Seems to be unrelated to the Preble lawsuit.] See also other catalogued items relating to these letters: Item Nos. 811-829, 832, depositions, court documents, family correspondence were gifts from a different donor. Item Nos. 1209-1214 are correspondence and documents re: suit, gift of this donor. [show more]
Wood and Richman house histories
Great Cranberry Island Historical Society
  • Document, Correspondence, Electronic Mail
  • People
  • Structures, Dwellings, House
  • 2010
  • No Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Only
Wood and Richman house histories
Great Cranberry Island Historical Society
Document, from Phil & Karin Whitney to Wini Smart dated 4/29/2010. Subject: "Re: Woods House". See item 1588a (the questions from Wini Smart to Bruce Komusin which generated item 1588). (Note: This document is about the Woods house but mostly background on the Richman house.) Key words and names in this document include: Wood's House, Julia Bunker Spurling and her mother, Sidney (aka Sydney) Hamor. The old Richman house currently owned by Michael Richman and his sister, Wren Richman. Willis & Rena Bunker lived in the Richman house (what is now Dick & Anne Sullivan's house). Percy Bunker & wife Gertrude Bunker moved into the Sullivan house. Sometime in the early 1950s, Winslow Bunker, unmarried, lived in the Richman house. Gaile Colby might remember more specifically about some of this. In 1954, Gertude Bunker died and Percy Bunker moved to Islesford, where he remained until his death. Winslow Bunker got married to Rosie (last name not known) a school teacher in Brewer. Richman house was sold to Robert & Maida Richman of Washington, D.C. in 1954. Winslow Bunker died in 1992, Robert Richman died approximately in 1990, Maida Richman died around 2002 or 2003. My understanding is that the house has always remained the sole property of the Richman family. Clay Taylor has no financial interest in it. Phil Whitney says in the document that when Wini is doing the full history of the Sullivan house (previously the Richman house) that he has more background information and some interesting anecdotes. Phil has very fond memories of "old Cranberry day" with Percy & Gertrude and Winslow & Rosie as well. Phil Whitney says " that the whole family is mostly forgotten now". [show more]
Sidney Hamor Bunker and Julia Bunker Spurling
Great Cranberry Island Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph
  • People
  • Structures, Dwellings, House
  • 1915
  • No Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Only
Sidney Hamor Bunker and Julia Bunker Spurling
Great Cranberry Island Historical Society
Sidney (aka Sidney) Chadwick Hamor Bunker with daughter Julia Bunker Spurling at home ca. 1915. Donor states: "This picture of the Bloom house was taken early 1900s; date is determined by the gravestones of the two ladies on the front porch. On the left is Sydney Hamor Bunker, wife of Warren Bunker, and mother of Julia Bunker Spurling on the right. Julia was the mother of Joseph Elwood Spurling...."
Modified rocking chair with swivel tray
Great Cranberry Island Historical Society
  • Object, Furnishings, Chair
  • People
  • Structures, Dwellings, House
  • No Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Only
Modified rocking chair with swivel tray
Great Cranberry Island Historical Society
Furniture. Rocking chair with swivel tray. Wood. Original black rocker with gold scroll work on seat and back has been modified with addition of a swiveling, wooden tray affixed to the chair arms. Rocker blades may have been shortened. Rocker may have had a signature, Stanley, visible on it at one time. Phil Whitney recollects in 2015 that this rocker was rescued from his family's house (across the street from his present home) during their house fire. It may have been his mother's rocker (d.o.b. 1911), or perhaps his great great grandmother Sidney Hamor Bunker who died in 1918, or his great grandmother, Julia Bunker Spurling. (From Ladies Aid 2000) [show more]
Correspondence Carrie Richardson and Moorfield Storey relating to inheritance of Enoch Spurling property 1906
Great Cranberry Island Historical Society
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • People
  • Structures, Dwellings, House
  • Copyright Not Evaluated
Letters and deed. Collection of documents relating to inheritance of Enoch Spurling property. (A) one original letter from C.M. Richardson 12 Mar 1906, to Moorfield Storey, Boston, describing circumstances surrounding her father, Enoch Spurling's, death, his estate, and the Stanley graveyard (a.k.a. Stanley cemetery), and asking for his legal help, for free. (See transcription 100.46.259.txt.). (B) Scanned print of letter from Carrie Richardson to Moorfield Storey April 2, 1906. (C) Scanned print of a handwritten statement by Carrie M. Richardson about the will of her father and inheritance of nine house lots. (D) Scanned print of a handwritten note appointing Lewis Stanley to act for them until March 3rd 1906, continuing his duties as administrator of the will which expired March 3, 1905. (E) Scanned print of a handwritten Warranty Deed given by John Stanley 2nd and Lucinda G. Stanley to Leonard Holmes March 5th 1866 referring to the Stanley burial ground January 19, 1870, Vol. 135/Page 504. (F) Deed Book 0135 Page 505 Stanley to Holmes 1870 which refers to the "family's burying ground" (i.e. the Stanley cemetery). [show more]
Manuel Fatese at Old Sea Street Dock
Great Harbor Maritime Museum
  • Image, Photograph, Black-and-White Photograph
  • People
  • Structures, Transportation, Marine Landing, Dock
  • Copyright Not Evaluated
Manuel Fatese at Old Sea Street Dock
Great Harbor Maritime Museum
Davis Grim with Canoe Photograph
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • Other
  • People
  • Structures, Dwellings, House
  • Vessels, Boat, Canoe
  • Spiker, LaRue
  • Copyright Not Evaluated
Davis Grim with Canoe Photograph
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Davis Grimm stands behind a canoe. Inscriptions on back read "Davis Irvin [sp?] item/ 4 pix/ Spiker" in blue pen, and "III 2," "100%," and "3 col" in marker. People Depicted: Davis Grimm Black and white
Robert Lincoln with Canoe Photograph
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • Other
  • People
  • Structures, Dwellings, House
  • Vessels, Boat, Canoe
  • Spiker, LaRue
  • Copyright Not Evaluated
Robert Lincoln with Canoe Photograph
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Robert Lincoln works on a canoe outside a log cabin. Inscriptions on back read "Robert Lincoln item/ 4 pix/ Spiker" in blue pen, and "100%," and "3 col" in marker. People Depicted: Robert Lincoln Black and white
Two-Story House Stereograph
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • People
  • Structures, Dwellings, House
  • Herricks Photo Salon
  • Copyright Not Evaluated
Two-Story House Stereograph
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Six people sit and stand on the porch of an unidentified two-story house. Inscription on the back reads "R. H. Hyson" in blue pen. Black and white
Business and Town Dignitaries on a Dock Photograph
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • Other
  • People
  • Structures, Transportation, Marine Landing, Dock
  • Spiker, LaRue
  • Copyright Not Evaluated
Business and Town Dignitaries on a Dock Photograph
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Business and town dignitaries pose with a boat captain on a dock. They are, from left to right: unidentified, Geddes Simpson, unidentified, Jim McLeod, and Sheldon Goldthwaite. Sticker on back identifies some of the individuals in the photograph. Inscription on the back of the photograph reads "Business + Town dignitaries/ 2 pix/ Spiker" in blue pen. People Depicted: Geddes Simpson, Jim McLeod, Sheldon Goldthwaite Black and white [show more]
Bangor Daily News, September 9, 1974
Great Harbor Maritime Museum
  • Publication, Newspaper
  • Businesses, Fishery Business
  • Businesses, Other Business
  • Finance
  • Legislation
  • People
  • Politics
  • Recreation
  • Structures, Commercial, Lodging, Hotel
  • Bangor Daily NewsAley, Jack
  • Beal, Clayton
  • Bombeck, Erma
  • Buckley Jr., William F.
  • Buckley, Ken
  • Bush, Grace
  • Clifton
  • Crandall, Esther
  • Daniel
  • Devereaux, Richard A.
  • Dugan, Sally
  • Frederick, Arthur
  • Leavitt, Bud
  • Mahoney, Larry
  • Newall, Robert H.
  • Osborne, Owen
  • Porter, Sylvia
  • Reston, James
  • Sheinwold, Alfred
  • Storey, John
  • Sylvester, Ted
  • Weaver, Peter
  • 1974-09-09
  • Copyright Not Evaluated
Bangor Daily News, September 9, 1974
Great Harbor Maritime Museum
Issue of the Bangor Daily News from Monday, September 9, 1974 (vol. 86, no. 72). Major stories include President Gerald Ford's pardon of Richard Nixon, Hurricane Carmen in Louisiana, the TWA airplane crash in the Ionian Sea off the coast of Greece, and Evel Knievel's failed attempt to rocket across the Snake River Canyon in Idaho. Other state and local news is included as well. There are also wedding announcements, sports, an op-ed page, obituaries, classified advertisements, and comics. People Mentioned: Gerald R. Ford, Richard M. Nixon, Philip W. Buchen, Evel Knievel, Stephen Katz, Archibald Cox, Barry Goldwater, Spiro T. Agnew, Nelson Rockefeller, George H. W. Bush, Robert Strauss, Eugenio Martinez, William Cohen, William D. Hathaway, Edmund S. Muskie, Edwin Edwards, Gilbert Durbin, Robert Truax, Donald Branker, Bernard Barker, Baruch Korff, Chesterield Smith, Joseph Rauh, W. Clement Stone, Frederick Hare, Peggy Hare, Jerald F. TerHorst, Jon Lund, James Erwin, George Mitchell, Leon Jaworski, Arthur F. Sampson, J. Herbert Miller, Ronald L. Ziegler, Edward Brooke, Mike Mansfield, Robert C. Byrd, George McGovern, Lloyd M. Bentsen, William E. Brock, John Tower, Jacob Javits, Creighton Abrams, Creighton Abrams Jr., Mrs. William L. James, Mrs. Creighton Abrams, H. R. Haldeman, John D. Ehrlichman, John N. Mitchell, Gordon Strachan, Robert C. Mardian, Kenneth W. Parkinson, John J. Sirica, Warren E. Burger, William O. Douglas, Clarence L. VerSteeg, Paul Mishkin, Peter N. Kyros, James Longley, John Barker, William Cohen, Charles J. Ramsberger, Stanley Leen Jr., John J. Rhodes, Luis Echeverria, Jose Guadalupe Zuno Hernandez, Ann Mackay, Anna McCloskey, Bill Smith, Michael Allen, Kathy Allen, David Grant, Arthur Poulin, Lizette Breton, Judy Rynne, Jeannette Thibodeau, Robert Cloutier, Jane Lowell, Anthony Betts, Kathleen Lord, Steve Curtis, Rena Rodgerson, Sharon S. Espling, Peter E. Espling, Roger B. Kelley, Bernard Kelley, Paul Gleichman, Ellen Espling, James Coulter, Carole Jane Noddin, Barry Lewis, Lewis Beckford, Charles Davidson, Lawrence Noddin, Lawrence Lewis, Nancy E. McCann, Jonathan Spatt, Keith Ingraham, Albert Murch, Loretta Kay Boyer, Merle O. Boyer, James Albert Pickard Jr., Agnes Pickard, James A. Pickard Sr., George Gray, Karen Palmiter, Asa Pickard, Merle O. Boyer Jr., Alan Stubbs, Sally Worster, Dale Porter, Kenneth Foss, Paul Worcester, Ronald Porter, Lois Senter, Debbie Hartt, Roxanna Gould, Marlana Cumming, Lorraine Charloux, Karla Jo Senter, Michael Porter, Audie Gould, Keith Thompson, Michael Littlefield, Raymond Charloux, Camille Lynn Cushman, David Louis Eddy, Hartland Cushman, George Eddy, Robert Sterling, Lisa Cushman, Mary Ellen Connell, Barbara Ingraham, Dale Hartford, Kerry Connell, Craig Gray, Rachel Brudnoy, Stephen Green, Kassel Abelson, David Silverman, David Brudnoy, Simon Brudnoy, Edward Green, Mrs. David Brudnoy, Howard Stanley, Jerry Darsie, Ira Isbin, Barbara Eleanor Mealey, Robert W. Mealey, Joseph Wayne Morin, Francis E. Morin, Norman Young, William Greene, Mrs. Robert I. Mealey, Mrs. Daniel J. Brooker, Mrs. Brian L. Lowell, Mrs. Scott A. Giroux, Debbie deGroff, Carol L. Belanger, Charles F. Giberson, Daniel J. Brooker, Brian L. Lowell, Robert I. Mealey, Michael D. Mealey, Dave Cannon, Steve Bull, Ernie Hardy, Alan Armstrong, Gary Burley, Don Rock, Rod Pace, Russ Fox, Mike Bolt, Tom Pinto, Marc Katz, Jack Leggett, Danny Rhino, Randy Rhino, Steve Boxer, Dave Buck, Mike Axe, Glen Cutting, George Stout, Bill Hohl, Rich Diggs, Danny Buggs, Tim Felt, Art Bent, Sandy Hertz, Sam Blood, Jegg Gray, Scott Blackburn, Brian White, Jim Tann, Pat Green, Dave Brown, Randy Pass, Brian Book, Jim Fish, Ed Walz, Bruce Salmon, Ed Szcerba, Steve Krychomski, Andy Zdobylak, Nick Tarabacchia, Steve Szewczuk, George Mattyasovszky, Jimmy Jimenez, Mike Hart, Jim Soule, Jim Shook, Forrest Fezler, Bruce Crampton, J. C. Snead, Gary Player, Mike Hill, Tommy Aaron, Ben Crenshaw, Phil Rodgers, Jim Ferriell, Richie Hebner, Dick Pole, Doug Griffin, Mario Guerrero, Dwight Evans, Juan Marichal, Tim Johnson, Pedro Garcia, Cecil Cooper, Juan Beniquez, Tim McCarver, Doug Griffin, Tommy Harper, Bernie Carbo, Rico Petrocelli, Ken Berry, George Scott, Johnny Briggs, Darrell Porter, Gorman Thomas, Bill Freehan, Al Kaline, Joe Coleman, Dick Tidrow, Ron LeFlore, Gary Sutherland, Ben Oglivie, Chris Chambliss, Roy White, Walt Abbott, Steve Vance, Chris Alyward, Kevin Foley, Russ McDonald, Mike Gries, Gerry Shea, Mike Budrowe, Rudy DiPietro, Mark DiGregorio, Rich Prior, Mickey McGuire, Mike Wallace, Kirk Douglass, Roger Dalton, Bill Hilster, Phil Cameron, Mike Drouin, Tim Labbe, Ferguson Jenkins, Ken Holtzman, George Hendrick, Tom McCraw, Charlie Spikes, Jim Perry, Enos Cabell, Don Baylor, Ellie Hendricks, Mark Belanger, Frank Duffy, Luis Alvarado, Bill Buckner, Mike Marshall, Jack Billingham, Dave Lopes, Pedro Borbon, Manny Mota, Pete Rose, Brian Butterfield, Ben Tibbetts, Ben Corbett, Andy Sturgeon, Rich Pullen, Neil Prendergast, Hans Antonsen, Eddie Miller, Ronnie Gordon, Bert Philbrick, Rick Albert, Dennis Jewell, Lin Hindshaw, Brian Perkins, Ken Topel, Kevin Butler, Cliff Reuter, Howard Weldon, Matt Hackett, Gary Perry, Matt Keller, Wilbur Howard, Randy Jones, Steve Rogers, Lou Brock, Wayne Garrett, Maury Wills, Jimmy Connors, Ken Rosewall, John Newcombe, Margaret Court, Billie Jean King, Evonne Goolagong, Chris Evert, Bill Battle, Condredge Holloway, Ricky Townsend, Dick Vermeil, John Sciarra, Brett White, Dave Buckey, Bob Boone, Arthur Winslow, Robbie Dickinson, Joel Cormier, Rodger Geren, Mark Armstrong, Robbie Emerson, Aaron Boynton, Brian Morrow, Scott Mountford, Lance Gallant, Jeff Dunn, Jeff Brown, Tim King, Peter Gordon, David Ingraham, Dale Stone, Leo Trevino, Bobby Nichols, Hale Irwin, Jim Plunkett, Randy Vataha, Earl Morrall, Bob Griese, Howard Twilley, Marlin Briscoe, Bob Berry, Fran Tarkenton, Jim Lash, John Gilliam, John Holland, Chuck Foreman, Jimmie Jones, Wayne Fiegenbaum, Bert Roberge, Ed Flaherty, Galen Workman, Tony DiBiase, Steve Conley, John Sawyer, Russ Quetti, David W. Bustin, Joseph Kozak, Franklin A. Peters, Edward Kennedy, Michael J. Harrington, Salvador Allende Gossens, Henry A. Kissinger, William E. Colby, Norman Lodow, Lawrence Greenlaw, Eddie Rickenbacker, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Zane Grey, Minnie Henderson, Val Vardamis, Roger Lyford, Lorraine Cote, Gerard Cyr, Jack Anderson, John Lennon, Abigail Van Buren, Bob King, Jim Stanko, Joanne Stanko, Lucius H. Dwelley, Harold Kilbreth, James Bush, Oscar R. Hahnel, Mrs. Donald W. McIntosh, Mark Gartley, Eugene Richardson, Scott Ireland, Frank Jordan, Mrs. Richard Dill, Kenneth M. Curtis, Hal Murray, William Leahy, William Schulz Jr., Bruce Douglas, Gail Galeditz, John Morey, Louis Garibaldi, Ernest Smith, Richard Coffin, Arthur West, Spencer Appollonio, Lisa Flaherty, George Berry, Harold Keezer, Rosaire Sirois, Wilbur Nedeau, Mrs. Wayne Mallar, Marion Thurston, Warren Charles, Paul Chabonneau, Paul Bird, Hollis Fickett, Donna Allen, Katherine Williams, Norman Autotte, Jane Downey, Henry Noonan, William Vasquez, William F. Leary, Robert Kiley, Robert diGrazia, Carl B. Sterzing Jr., Frederic C. Dumaine Jr., Nelson L. Clark, Doris Withee, Stella Stafford, Ellen G. Brooks, Esther Nickerson, Ann Caswell, Patsy Hughey, John W. Meisner, Sarah Colson, Mrs. Ralph E. Grant, Marion Marden, Arline Locke, Charles Perkins, George Perkins, Mrs. Douglas M. Holmes, Celia Thomas, Gary Gould, Beth Griffin, Stanley Griffin, Mrs. Richard Sawyer, Bob Turner, C. Peters, Marjorie Tilley, George Holman, Violet Chasse, Carl Snow, Sally Snow, Jennie Snow, Grace Rideout, Mrs. Ronald Bell, Mrs. Kenneth Glidden, G. Read, Mary Chase, Wally Wilbur, William Kerr, Emmy L. McCarthy, Sterling Ellingwood, Joseph L. Stover, Rodman Logan, Waye Estey, Leona A. Gillis, Arthur R. Fish Jr., Albert J. Clukey, Harold Carpenter, John Houghton, Evelyn R. Ross, Gertrude Strout, Lionel L. Moore, Senja S. Kanerva, Ernestine Roe Hedrick, Earl R. Dempsey, Helen Gilman Davis, Elizabeth L. Martin, Myra F. Downing, Marie Helena Carney, Mattie Jollotta, Laura B. Reed, John N. McDonnell, Helen Dube, Leona Lamarre, Eddie Jalbert, Joseph Gould, Alton Lyons, Rose Anna Cyr, Mrs. Oildred Johnson, Prentiss Larrabee, John Dean, Kenneth Murphy, Frank Blanchard, Walter E. Washington, Clifford L. Alexander, Shirley Cothran, Henry LaBree, Myrtle Hadley, Eddie Albert, Dan Boober, Beverly Ayer, Mrs. Kelsey E. Patten, Ola I. Meade, Carolyn Harlow, Robert E. Morris, Rebecca Ann King, Betty Ford, Cornelia Wallace, George Wallace, Kolbjorn Varman, Gordon Ritchie, Valentin Hernandez, Harold Wilson, Arthur Ashely [show more]
Ted Spurling & Maurice Phllips
Islesford Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph
  • People
  • Structures, Civic, Exhibition, Museum
Ted Spurling & Maurice Phllips
Islesford Historical Society
March 1997 Partially completed Islesford Historical Society
Seal Harbor postcard
Islesford Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph, Picture Postcard
  • People
  • Places, Shore
  • Structures, Commercial, Lodging, Hotel
Seal Harbor postcard
Islesford Historical Society
The postcard shows a view from Isleford toward Seal Harbor with the Seaside Hotel in the background.
Photos purchased from Bradley Bryant
Islesford Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph
  • People
  • Structures, Transportation, Marine Landing, Dock
Photos purchased from Bradley Bryant
Islesford Historical Society
US Life Saving Station, Islesford Me, Nathan Stanley on Ox Buckeye
Islesford Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph
  • People
  • Structures, Other Structures
Guests in front of Gilley Cottage
Islesford Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph
  • People
  • Structures, Dwellings, House
Guests in front of Gilley Cottage
Islesford Historical Society
Back of photograph says "Compliments of J. Huber. Gilley Cottage Guests, 18??"
WA Bert Spurling & the Restless
Islesford Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph
  • People
  • Structures, Transportation, Marine Landing, Wharf
  • Vessels, Boat
WA Bert Spurling & the Restless
Islesford Historical Society
View from steamboat warf
Sanford Colson in front of Jarvis house
Islesford Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph
  • People
  • Structures, Dwellings, House
Sanford Colson in front of Jarvis house
Islesford Historical Society
Richie Stanley on Right. Town dock
Islesford Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph
  • People
  • Structures, Transportation, Marine Landing, Dock
Richie Stanley on Right. Town dock
Islesford Historical Society
Winter 2001
Old US life saving station owned by Frank Newlin pictured with Wife Kim & son Cooper
Islesford Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph
  • People
  • Structures, Other Structures
Malcome & Alison Harrison
Islesford Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph
  • People
  • Structures, Dwellings, House
Malcome & Alison Harrison
Islesford Historical Society
George Gilley in front of his house at Woodlawn
Islesford Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph
  • People
  • Structures, Dwellings, House
Eleanor Bright
Islesford Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph
  • People
  • Structures, Dwellings, House
Eleanor Bright
Islesford Historical Society
Winfred Fernald and Parsonage
Islesford Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph
  • People
  • Structures, Dwellings, House
Winfred Fernald and Parsonage
Islesford Historical Society
Bill Hadlock
Islesford Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph
  • People
  • Structures, Transportation, Gasoline Pump
  • Structures, Transportation, Service Station
Bill Hadlock
Islesford Historical Society
Stony Brook ME