Description: Maine has over 6,000 lakes and ponds. These waterbodies are home to a wide range of wildlife and plant species. Maintaining high water quality in Maine’s lakes and ponds is essential to protect the health of these habitats and the species that use them.
Description: The goal of this project was to identify birding hotspots on Mount Desert Island. To do this, I used data from eBird to determine which birds are most common in each sector. The sectors are areas used by birders during the annual Christmas Bird Count . Birding hotspots are areas that birders go to frequently
Description: Roads often intersect the habitat between forests and wetlands, leaving migrating amphibians with no choice but to cross the road. Unfortunately, many amphibians are killed by vehicles when they migrate across roads. These animals' small size and slow movements make them difficult to see from a car.
Description: The streets are commonplace to all of us. They are a playground to some and a time limit to others. Many of us would love to see the street as a safe place for communities to gather and for people to play and recreate. As long as it does not limit us to work in time. Growing up in the Netherlands I have never seen these two as a conflict, and with the help of some maps, I will show you how road infrastructure in the Netherlands can accommodate both these groups. [show more]
Description: The COA GIS website contains interactive GIS maps that can be customized and printed (PDF). The maps represent areas commonly visited on field trips and studied in classes. Maps include COA, MDI, the State and Gulf of Maine and whole world base maps.
Description: The Rocks and Minerals class of Fall, 2021 taught by Sarah Hall has created an exhibit in the Dorr museum showcasing their collections. These collections are samples of a range of rocks and minerals found in Maine which, when viewed, show the incredible and fascinating world of geology. Should you like to learn more about the places the class collected from, this website is a supplement to the map placed in the Dorr Museum.
Description: Abortion accessibility in Maine is unique because of the state's size and rural population. With long drive times presenting a barrier for many individuals, expanding access to later abortion care should be a priority.
Description: Mount Desert Island, located off the east coast of Maine, is completely surrounded by intertidal environments. Throughout the 1900s, data was collected and recorded in notebooks regarding intertidal life by numerous researchers, followed by entry into a spreadsheet by Michael Hays, a citizen scientist who worked with the MDIBL (Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory). In present day, these data can be put into a map thanks to ArcGIS Pro. These data includes large amounts of information regarding marine life around the coastal environments of MDI, such as species common and Latin names, locations observed (where on the island along with Lat. and Long.), observation year, along with some brief notes about each observation. [show more]
Description: Rockweed is a brown algae found on rocky shores. The most common types of rockweed are within the genus Ascophyllum spp. and Fucus spp. (the latter is shown to the left). They grow slowly and can live from 3 to 15 years before breakage. Rockweeds have fronds that bear air bladders. These 'airbags' help the algae to stand up straight under water. Rockweed lacks true roots, stems, and leaves, and because they lack a vascular system, absorb dissolved nutrients directly through the blades. Rockweed attaches to rocks with a disc-like “holdfast”, and regenerate fronds from remaining holdfasts after a natural disturbance that removes upright fronds. [show more]
Description: A collaborative public health project project, the All About Arsenic project was initiated in 2015 by researchers at Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory (MDIBL) and Dartmouth College’s Toxic Metals Superfund Research Program.